Ukrainian Catholic Church moves to HQ to Kiev.
I firmly support the recent moving of the headquarters of the Ukrainian Catholic Church to Kiev. Kiev has been the center of Ukrainian Christianity ever since Prince Volodymyr converted the nation to the faith in 988 A.D., so why shouldn't the Catholic Church(which has shaped much of Ukraine's spiritual heritage) have its headquarters there?
However the Orthodox are clashing over this development. Although perhaps I should be more specific, the Russian Orthodox are clashing over this. The Ukrainian Orthodox(under the authority of the Kiev Patriarchate) has accepted this transfer and even sent representatives to welcome Cardinal Husar.
This only goes to show how much the Russian Orthodox Church wishes to suppress any attempts of the Ukrainian nation to express its own spiritual heritage. The Catholic Church has long been a symbol of a separate Ukrainian identity, and long been advocate of greater unity with their Orthodox brethren. This is a clear challenge to the Russian Patriarchate's claims of domination over Ukraine. If the Russian Patriarchate wishes to represent the interests of Russian Orthodox Christians living in Ukraine that's one thing, but leave us Ukrainian Christians to embrace and unite within our common heritage.
However the Orthodox are clashing over this development. Although perhaps I should be more specific, the Russian Orthodox are clashing over this. The Ukrainian Orthodox(under the authority of the Kiev Patriarchate) has accepted this transfer and even sent representatives to welcome Cardinal Husar.
This only goes to show how much the Russian Orthodox Church wishes to suppress any attempts of the Ukrainian nation to express its own spiritual heritage. The Catholic Church has long been a symbol of a separate Ukrainian identity, and long been advocate of greater unity with their Orthodox brethren. This is a clear challenge to the Russian Patriarchate's claims of domination over Ukraine. If the Russian Patriarchate wishes to represent the interests of Russian Orthodox Christians living in Ukraine that's one thing, but leave us Ukrainian Christians to embrace and unite within our common heritage.