Sunday, November 27, 2005

Remembering the Ukrainian Genocide

Recently, Ukrainians both at home and abroad marked the 70th anniversary of the 'Holodomor', the brutal famine that occurred in 1932-33 that resulted in the deaths of several million innocent Ukrainians.

There are few words I can say about this, except that that the Ukrainian community should whatever it takes to keep the memory of this event alive to our future generations. And also try to obtain wider attention towards this atrocity.

A great site that struggles to achieves these goals is the Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation.

I'm sorry there's nothing more I can say, my heart is too broken!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Ukrainian Catholic Programming on EWTN!

Just by chance I managed to find this thread over at the Byzantine Forum announcing that EWTN is airing specials on the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

I managed to see the program about the Catholic University in Liviv. It was truly an amazing sight to see the Church on the revival among the Ukrainian people. It also featured personal accounts of the martyrdom suffered by many Catholics under the Soviet regime. One seminarian they interviewed explained how deeply connected the Catholic Church is to the Ukrainian people, and how it suffered alongside them all those years.

Check the link for times, don't miss it!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Change of name and focus

I'm going to change the name of this forum to Kyivan Catholic, and change its focus to pertain mainly to religious issues concerning Ukrainians and preserving its Eastern Christian heritage. I'll still comment on general Ukrainian issues, but since much of my commentaries pertained to religious issues anyways, I might as well have that as my focus.